Announcement: Throne of Glass Special Series

Summary: To start year 3 of Hearts & Daggers with a bang, we are launching a brand-new special miniseries that is sure to delight Hearts and Daggers readers alike.

We have both been reading the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J Maas, a mutual favorite author who we celebrated in a previous LoveFest episode. We’re excited to share that we will be releasing monthly special episodes in which we debrief on each book as we go throughout the series. 

We encourage you to read along with us throughout the year–or at whatever point you’re jumping into these episodes–and enjoy our reactions, speculations, and gushing as we explore this new fantastical world.

The first episode will air in January and they’ll continue to drop each month until we finish the series.

If you like what you hear, please tell your friends and rate and review us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify so that we can find our perfect audience.


Episode 52: Debut Authors


Episode 51: Coming Home